When the light is bright inside our Chapel here in Houston and the darkness outside is fighting to stay but losing the battle, the windowpane gives us this wonderful reflection of the inside to the outside. The sacred wants to mix, inform, with nature, God’s created material world.
Jesus was “formed in the womb of Mary our Mother, [he] became part of this earth, and [he] gazed upon this world with human eyes. Today [he is] alive in every creature” (#246, Laudato Si’). The universe cries out and awaits the healing touch of grace.
Jesus, as we imbed ourselves in your Passion and Death, may our body-person be cleansed and blessed as your temple.
To learn more about the Passionist commitment to Laudato Si’ and our response to Jesus in all of Creation, visit https://passionist.org/laudatosi/.
Tuesdays with Blaise features photos and reflections by Fr. Blaise Czaja, C.P., who became a vowed Passionist over 60 years ago.
#tuesdayswithblaisecp #livingintocompassion #passionistshcp #passionists #lent #lent2024
Cuando la iluminación dentro nuestra capilla aquí en Houston supera la oscuridad fuera, el cristal nos da este maravilloso reflejo de adentro hacia afuera. Lo sagrado siempre quiere irradiar, informar la naturaleza, el mundo material creado por Dios. O Jesús, “Te formaste en el seno materno de María, te hiciste parte de esta tierra, y miraste este mundo con ojos humanos. Hoy estás vivo en cada criatura con tu gloria de resucitado” (Laudato Si’, #246, Oración cristiana con la creación). El universo clama y espera el toque sanador de la gracia. Jesús, al incorporarnos en tu Pasión y Muerte, que nuestro ser corporal sea purificado y bendecido para ser tu verdadero templo.
Para obtener más información sobre el compromiso de los Pasionistas con Laudato Si’ y nuestra respuesta a Jesús en toda la creación, visite https://passionist.org/laudatosi/.
#tuesdayswithblaisecp #livingintocompassion #passionistshcp #passionists #lent #lent2024