Scripture:Sirach 17:20-24Mark 10:17-27Reflection:Today, we are privileged to hear a gospel that many believe has inspired ordinary folk, saints and founders throughout history to take radical action for the sake of » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 27:4-71 Corinthians 15:54-58Luke 6:39-45Reflection:Has anyone ever told you the story about when an airplane is in trouble, each passenger is instructed to put on their own oxygen mask first » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 17:1-15Mark 10:13-16Reflection:Today’s readings could seem to be a paradox, which is a self-contradictory statement or situation.The book of Sirach, sometimes called Ecclesiasticus, is part of the wisdom tradition in » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 6:5-17Mark 10:1-12Reflection:During my time serving in parish ministry as a pastoral associate, one of my treasured experiences would be the opportunity to prepare couples for their marriage. Every couple » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 5:1-8Mark 9:41-50Reflection:In our first reading from Sirach, the author says, “Delay not your conversion to the Lord.” This is toward the end of our reading, but what has gone » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 4:11-19Mark 9:38-40Reflection:Wisdom. We do not often enough reflect on this virtue. We are more familiar with “Faith, Hope, and Love.” But wisdom in today’s reading from Sirach is full » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 2:1-11Mark 9:30-37Reflection:In the Crucible of HumiliationSome time ago I had a layover in the Denver airport. To pass the time I wandered over to a bookstore and noticed the » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 1:1-10Mark 9:14-29Reflection:Encountering ChristI have often thought about some of the most impressive people I have encountered. It had to be Cardinal Ratzinger. Years ago he came to our monastery » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-231 Corinthians 15:45-49Luke 6:27-38Reflection:In the midst of political divisions in our country and in the world, including war and violence, in the midst of people » Continue Reading.
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the ApostleScripture:1 Peter 5:1-4Matthew 16:13-19Reflection:So much of today’s readings reference shepherding. Psalm 23, with its familiar and comforting words, reassures us of God’s love » Continue Reading.