All Souls' Day
Remembering Your Loved Ones
The Church will celebrate the Feast of All Souls on November 2. On the Feast of All Souls we remember all those who have gone before us into life after this life on earth. They are our parents or grandparents, friends, co-workers, mentors, siblings, or even in some cases, our children or grandchildren. We have precious memories of them while they were still with us, whether we knew them for a long time or only briefly.
I say “have” and not “had” because our faith tells us that in Jesus Christ, not even death has the power to cut us off from our loved ones! It has become more and more clear to me that God is, above all, a God of relationships. Even the fact that God has been revealed to us as One God but also as Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is an indication of the relational nature of God.
We remember our loved ones, give thanks for the gifts they are to us and ask them to pray for us in heaven. The Passonists invite you to join us in prayerful remembrance of these wonderful people. Your prayers will be united with ours by offering a special All Souls’ Day Mass for those who have passed away. Throughout the month of November, we continue our prayer for those who have been recommended to us.
To enroll your deceased loved ones in our special Masses and prayers, click here. We will include them in our prayers throughout the month of November. We are truly honored to pray for the needs of our friends.
We Passionists vow to “keep alive the memory of the Passion” and seek to help people develop their relationship with God. Your support helps us continue that ministry in our preaching and service to God’s people.
Thank you for being in a relationship with us and our mission. God truly blesses us in knowing you and in being given the opportunity to remember in prayer those you love.
With gratitude to God, I remain, in Christ,
Sincerely yours,
Fr. Michael Higgins, C.P.
Spiritual Director
During this time of sacred remembrance,
we bring before God the names of our
loved ones who have passed from this
life. We acknowledge our enduring
love; we express our hope that they be
eternally blessed, and we share our
desire to be reunited with them in the
everlasting glory made possible through
the Resurrection of Christ Jesus.
Prayer for All Souls
Loving God, we remember now in
prayer our dearly departed. May they
rest in peace with you and experience
the eternal joy of heaven. Heal our grief,
merciful Lord, strengthen our hope
that we, too, will one day share in the
resurrection of your Son who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.