Letter from the Provincial
Moments in Time
By Steve George
We are Passionist Alumni.
We are men who have worn the Passionist Sign in daily service sometime during our lives. That emblem means a devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ in service to our Congregation, our community, and to the world.
We will celebrate the camaraderie of the shared Passionist charism and experience and be enriched by the diversity of our lives as they have unfolded since formation, through interactive opportunities, shared family experiences, and renewed relationships with the men and women of Holy Cross Province.
To fully embrace and integrate with the Passionist Family of Holy Cross Province; help it grow in the wisdom and grace of the Passionist Way.
Enthusiastically welcome ALL of our Passionist alumni, including any who feel separation or distance from us because of personal reservations, past hurts, or resentments. And….
Provide individual and family opportunities to celebrate the camaraderie of a past shared experience in Passionist formation for the pure fun and enjoyment of it. And/or…
Offer to one another the unique and diverse insights and perspectives of lives lived and lessons learned in the world of business, civic, social, public services and religious life. And/or…
Share the spirituality of the Passionist charism in conversation, prayer and liturgy as our lives move into a new and more mature stage of thought and reflection.
Provide opportunities to share our time, talents and treasures in support of the Passionist commitment to keep alive the memory of the Passion of Christ.