Ash Wednesday
Joel 2:12-18
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Good morning, Lord. Today’s gospel is so vivid, and alive in describing the emotions of the apostles that I feel like I am walking with them. Jostling in the crowd, feeling the grit of the streets in my sandals, the sun’s blinding glare in my face, the heat against my skin, the sounds of the footsteps of those around me, we follow you into the desert
We are too timid to ask You to help us understand Your words of death and resurrection. But no one asks for an explanation or seeks enlightenment. Perhaps because we fear looking foolish or less than clever to those around us. We crave social standing, respect, power, authority, and even the desire to be appointed your favorite. Who is to be the most important one among us, the one You will choose to lead in Your place? With jealousy and ambition, we follow you in small groupings, plotting how to best attain Your favor, even being bold enough to speak to You directly about which of us is to lead.
Your answer is eloquent simplicity: Embracing a child, You show us that we must become childlike to truly know You ~ joyful, innocent, seeking Your guidance and protection, and lacking the guile and machinations we were engaged in. Following you, Lord, I must strive to become more selfless, more trusting, and seek my Shepherd to protect and guide me. In those moments when I stray from your footsteps, Lord please seek me out.
Ray Alonzo is the father of three children, grandfather of two, and husband to Jan for over 45 years. He is a USN Vietnam Veteran, and a 1969 graduate of Mother of Good Counsel Passionist Prep Seminary. Ray currently serves on the Passionist Alumni Council.