Isaiah 50:4-9a
Matthew 26:14-25
Wednesday of Holy Week has been called Spy Wednesday because in our Gospel reading from Matthew, it says that after Judas had arranged to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, he “looked for an opportunity to hand him over.”
As Christians, we are not looking for ways to betray Jesus, but it might be helpful to look at what we do look for that takes us away from following Jesus. Do we look for things about which to criticize people? Do we look to make snap judgments on others? Do we go right to our stereotypes and prejudices about certain groups of people when we watch the news on TV?
Some people look to wealth and power to give them a sense of security. Others fall into the disease of addiction when they look for ways to numb the pain in their lives. So many people look to avoid the cross!
But if we are looking for real peace and security, we will look for a deeper relationship with Jesus. It is in surrender to God’s love in Jesus Christ that we can find peace and the strength to carry our own crosses. It is in following God’s will that we find the serenity that the world is unable to give.
As we move into the holiest days of our church calendar, the Triduum, may we open our eyes and our ears and our hearts to see and hear Jesus’ love for us.
Fr. Phil Paxton, C.P., is the local superior at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Community in Detroit, Michigan.