Scripture:2 Kings 2:1, 6-14Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18Reflection:At one time during the First World War a young British Army surgeon was accompanying his senior officer-surgeon around the wards of the wounded soldiers. » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Kings 21:17-29 Matthew 5:43-48Reflection:Jesus said to his disciples: “You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Kings 21:1-16Matthew 5:38-42Reflection:The gospels operate by a different logic, a startlingly different understanding of what makes sense, and nowhere is this more vividly displayed than in Jesus’ Sermon on » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Ezekiel 17:22-242 Corinthians 5:6-10Mark 4:26-34Reflection:In our Gospel reding for this Sunday (Mark 4:26-34), Jesus tells two parables about the kingdom of heaven. I would like to start with the second » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Kings 19:19-21Matthew 5:33-37Reflection:Sometimes the Lord surprises us with just the kind of push we need once in a while! And not all of us like surprises either! Samuel was in » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Kings 19:9a, 11-16Matthew 5:27-32Reflection:As empowering and liberating as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount was, he made no bones about adultery and divorce. “Tear out your right eye,” he said. » Continue Reading.
Memorial of St. Anthony of PaduaScripture:1 Kings 18:41-46Matthew 5:20-26Reflection:Today’s gospel continues moving through the Sermon on the Mount. Here we are presented with the first of six “antitheses,” which essentially » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Kings 18:20-39Matthew 5:17-19Reflection:Today we are called to make resolute decisions about our life’s faith journey. In the first reading from the 1st Book of Kings, “Elijah appealed to all the » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3Matthew 5:13-16Reflection:We have all heard the derogatory term, “playing second fiddle.” As in: “I’m the star of this show, and I’m not playing second fiddle to anyone.” To » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Kings 17:1-6Matthew 5:1-12Reflection:Any business consultant will advise having a mission behind the company, a vision for where you’re going, and strategies to help make that happen. When you create » Continue Reading.