Scripture:1 Peter 2:2-5, 9-12Mark 10:46-52Reflection:“What do you want me to do for you?” This is Jesus’ question to Bartimaeus, the blind beggar who calls out to Jesus for mercy. His » Continue Reading.
Memorial of Saint Paul VI, PopeScripture:1 Peter 1:18-25Mark 10:32-45Reflection: “. . . the word of the Lord remains forever.”Today we remember Saint Paul VI, one of many Italian born popes, he » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Peter 1:10-16Mark 10:28-31Reflection:Last weekend we celebrated the great feast of Pentecost! Happy Birthday Church!! In the coming weeks, we will celebrate the special Eucharistic feasts, but for the most » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Peter 1:3-9 Mark 10:17-27Reflection:Our Scripture readings for today complement each other as they both challenge and encourage us to live as disciples of Christ. In our Gospel reading, Jesus » Continue Reading.
Solemnity of the Most Holy TrinityScripture:Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40Romans 8:14-17Matthew 28:16-20Reflection:What was the first Religious thing you were taught? For me, it was the Sign of the Cross:“In the name of » Continue Reading.
Scripture:James 5:13-20Mark 10:13-16Reflection:TRUE REFORMIf someone were to ask you what the greatest need in the Church is today, how would you respond? Some feel we must have more ordained priests » Continue Reading.
Scripture:James 5:9-12Mark 10:1-12Reflection:Remembering Jesus at MassYears ago, I was giving a parish mission in Stonewall, TX, and visited the LBJ ranch. Many colorful stories are told about President Johnson. The » Continue Reading.
Scripture:James 5:1-6Mark 9:41-50Reflection:In our Gospel reading for today, Jesus uses some startling, even harsh, words warning against sin: “Whoever causes one of these little ones … to sin, it would » Continue Reading.
Scripture:James 4:13-17Mark 9:38-40Reflection:Sometimes, the readings for the day are so descriptive of human foibles that they make the gospels leap off the page, becoming so real to me that I » Continue Reading.
Scripture:James 4:1-10Mark 9:30-37Reflection:If you are a dedicated watcher of the evening news, you have noticed that there are conflicts throughout the entire world, in our communities, in our homes, and » Continue Reading.