Scripture:1 Peter 5:1-4Matthew 16: 13-16 Reflection:I read today’s gospel and wondered why St. Matthew made such a point of telling us they had entered the area called, » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Jonah 3:1-16Luke 11:29-32Reflection:In our first reading Jonah is telling the Ninevites that if they don’t repent Nineveh will be destroyed. (Jonah 3:1-3) The people of Nineveh didn’t want to be » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Isaiah 55:10-11Matthew 6:7-15Reflection:Here we are at the very beginning of our Lenten Season. It’s the very first week, just seven days into this forty-day journey. As we began this Season » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18Matthew 25:31-46Reflection:You shall love your neighbor as yourself. -Leviticus 19:18 The Lord’s call to holiness for His people is consistent. Just as He told the Israelites through Moses, Jesus tells » Continue Reading.
First Sunday of LentScripture:Genesis 9:8-151 Peter 3:18-2Mark: 1:12-15Reflection:“Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Isaiah 58:9b-14Luke 5:27-32Reflection:The Lenten message is simple, but easily missed and almost always quickly forgotten: Following the ways of the Lord brings happiness and life. If we do what is » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Isaiah 58:1-9aMatthew 9:14-15Reflection:Our Lenten season began with the prophet Joel’s exhortation to “rend your hearts, not your garments.” The challenge to “fast” stares us once again in the face and » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Deuteronomy 30:15-20Luke 9:22-25Reflection:In our Gospel reading for today, after Jesus predicts His own Passion and death and resurrection, He tells His disciples what it means to be a disciple: “If » Continue Reading.
Ash WednesdayScripture:Joel 2:12-182 Corinthians 5:20-6:2Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18Reflection:Between the jubilant melodies of Fat Tuesday and the delightful chocolate bunnies of Easter Sunday lies the season of Lent.In today’s unapologetically secular world, » Continue Reading.
Scripture:James 1:12-18Mark 8:14-21Reflection:The text for today is immediately following Jesus feeding the crowds for a second time, the Pharisees demand for a “sign” and Jesus’ refusal to give them one.And » Continue Reading.