Scripture: Jeremiah 7:1-11 Matthew 13:24-30 Reflection: In today’s Old Testament reading we hear that God wants his people to learn that they must reform – and how does he want » Continue Reading.
Scripture: 2 Kings 4:42-44 Ephesians 4:1-6 John 6:1-15 Reflection: The story of Jesus feeding a crowd of five thousand with a few loaves and fishes and its precursor in the » Continue Reading.
Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary Scripture: Jeremiah 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13 Matthew 13:10-17 Reflection: Sitting in the faculty lounge during my first year of » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 John 21:20-25 Reflection: "What concern is it of yours? You follow me." In this concluding verse of the Gospel of John, Peter » Continue Reading.
Feast of Saint James, Apostle Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 Matthew 20:20-28 Reflection: "…the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20 Matthew 12:46-50 Reflection: Mercy In today’s liturgy the Church introduces us to the prophet Micah who lived about 2,750 years ago. His » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-6 Ephesians 2:13-18 Mark 6:30-34 Reflection: "His heart was moved with pity for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd." Mark 6:34 Many of our Catholic » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Micah 2:1-5 Matthew 12:14-21 Reflection: Probably all very large cities in the world have their "slum" areas. I lived in India for three years and I saw the poor » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 38: 1-6, 21-22, 7-8 Matthew 12: 1-8 Reflection: In today’s first reading, when Hezekiah, the King of Judah, was told to put his house in order because he » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 10:5-7, 13b-16 Matthew 11:25-27 Reflection: As I share this brief reflection on our readings for the day, there are two simple thoughts that come to mind. In our first reading » Continue Reading.