Scripture:1 Samuel 4:1-11Mark 1:40-45Reflection: In today’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus dramatically begins his public ministry in Capernaum where he has established his residence. It is there on the Sabbath in the » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20Mark 1:29-39Reflection:My grandson sent me a picture from the San Diego Zoo of two young tiger cubs chasing each other and tussling with delight. One of my » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Samuel 1:9-20Mark 1:21-28Reflection:Here Begins the Gospel of MarkWe begin our daily reading of Mark’s gospel today: 1:21-28. The celebrant can include Monday’s gospel, the calling of the fishermen to » Continue Reading.
The Baptism of the LordScripture:Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 or Acts 10:34-38Matthew 3:13-17Reflection:The Commissioning of JesusToday’s feast of Our Lord’s Baptism brings Christmas season to its end, but Matthew’s account of Jesus’ » Continue Reading.
The Epiphany of the LordScripture:Isaiah 60:1-6Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6Matthew 2:1-12Reflection:Where is the newborn king of the Jews?We saw his star at its risingand have come to do him homage. -Matthew 2:2Sitting » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 5:5-13Mark: 1:7-11Reflection:The writer of the Gospel of Mark does not mince words. The narrative is quick, blunt, to the point.In today’s reading from that gospel, we are immediately » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 3:11-21John 1:43-51Reflection:This is the message you have heard from the beginning:we should love one another… –1 John 3:11Now this is how we shall know that we belong to » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 3:7-10John 1:35-42Reflection:“…Come and see…”Today’s Gospel selection features John the Baptist and two of his disciples encountering Jesus as He walked by – so named “the Lamb of God” » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 2:29-3:6John 1:29-34Reflection:By the time of the composition of the Gospel of John, the Johanine community had several generations of faithful living, spiritual reflection and praying both personally and » Continue Reading.
Memorial of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the ChurchScripture:1 John 2:22-28John 1:19-28Reflection:St. Basil and St. Gregory were each bestowed the title “Doctor of the » Continue Reading.