Feast of Saint Martha Scripture: Leviticus 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37 Matthew 13: 54-58 Reflection: Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Martha, a friend of Jesus along with » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 55: 1-3 Romans 8:35; 37-39 Matthew 14: 13-21 Reflection: "Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He said the blessing, broke the » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Exodus 40:16-21, 34-38 Matthew 13:47-53 Reflection: Today’s first reading describes how Moses was instructed to build the Ark of the Covenant-"the Dwelling" and in the response, we hear the » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Exodus 34:29-35 Matthew 13:44-46. Reflection: In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks to us as He often does in the form of parables. "The kingdom of heaven," Christ tells us, "is » Continue Reading.
Scripture: 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12 Romans 8:28-30 Matthew 13:44-52 or 13:44-46 Reflection: Have you ever come across something that you just had to have? When I visited the National Underground » Continue Reading.
Memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17 John 20:1-2, 11-18 Reflection: "Lord, you have the words of everlasting life." John 6:68c Certainly the Lords words teach us about eternal » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Exodus 24:3-8 Matthew 13:24-30 Reflection: In today’s Gospel reading, we hear another parable from Jesus. This parable has to do with an enemy of a landowner sowing weeds among » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15 Matthew 13:1-9 Reflection: "What have you done for me TODAY!" That’s a contemporary saying that many of us use when we fear we aren’t able to » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Exodus 12:37-42 Matthew 12:14-21 Reflection; Today’s first reading tells of the exodus of the children of Israel out of the bondage of Egypt; their journey away from death and » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Exodus 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b Matthew 13:10-17 Reflection: The blessings we enjoy from God are so overwhelming that we gradually lose our capacity to react to them. From the initial » Continue Reading.