Saturday of the Third Week of Advent Scripture: Jeremiah 23:5-8 Matthew 1:18-25 Reflection: "Justice shall flourish in His time, and fullness of peace forever." During this season of Advent we » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Genesis 49:2, 8-10 Matthew 1:1-17 Reflection: During this past year I felt called by the Lord to purchase some video equipment and begin producing some videos, of myself and » Continue Reading.
Thursday of the Third Week of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 54:1-10 Luke 7:24-30 Reflection: When I have had a significant disagreement with a friend or a quarrel with » Continue Reading.
Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 45: 6c-8, 18, 21c-25 Luke 7: 18b-23 Reflection: The first reading is part of a longer section which began in chapter » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 Matthew 21: 28-32 Reflection: There are several passages in the readings today that strike me. But there are a few in particular that are very powerful » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17a Matthew 21:23-27 Reflection: As Christmas rushes closer we are brought up short by the introduction of the mysterious prophet Balaam, son of Beor. What he has » Continue Reading.
Friday of the Second Week of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 48:17-19 Matthew 11:16-19 Reflection: I have often heard "prosperity evangelists" quote today’s first reading and psalm. They say, "See? God intends » Continue Reading.
Thursday of the Second Week of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 41:13-20 Matthew 11:11-15 Reflection: This second week of Advent the prophecy of Isaiah shows us a New Exodus more marvelous than » Continue Reading.
Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11 Matthew 18:12-14 Reflection: Isaiah continues to be the prophet of God’s marvelous mercy as he proclaims, "Here is your God… » Continue Reading.
Monday of the Second Week of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10 Luke 5:17-26 Reflection: Today’s first reading expresses the excitement and anticipation of God’s coming into our midst. Notice where God’s blessings » Continue Reading.