Second Sunday of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-9 Matthew 3:1-12 Reflection: Today we light the second candle of our Advent wreath as the darkness of the northern hemisphere settles upon us » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26 Mathew 9:35 – 10:1,5,6-8 Reflection: Today’s Gospel presents a very touching scene: Jesus moves among the towns and villages, teaching, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, curing » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 29-17-24 Matthew 9:27-31 Reflection: Living with Our Eyes Open Today’s Gospel selection presents Jesus dealing with the blindness of two blind men who called » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-6 Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Reflection: It is hard to reflect on the reading from Isaiah and the reading from the Gospel of Matthew and not realize how timely » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 25:6-10a Matthew 15:29-37 Reflection: I received an e-mail recently, with this subject: "Tell me how he did it, and I’ll give you a thanksgiving turkey." The "it" was a » Continue Reading.
Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle Scripture: Romans 10:9-18 Matthew 4:18-22 Reflection: Do you know what a relay race is? One runner runs with a baton, a special stick, and when he or she » Continue Reading.
First Sunday of Advent Scripture: Isaiah 2:1-5, Roman 13:11-15 Matthew 24:37-44 Reflection: "Stay awake!" We begin our new year in the Church with these words. How apt for our world » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Revelation 22:1-7 Luke 21:34-36 Reflection: "Be vigilant at all times" I must admit, I have been more than a little worried since reading and reflecting on today’s » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Revelations 15:1-4 Luke 21:12-19 Reflection: "Sing to the Lord a new song… Let the rivers clap their hands, The mountains shout with joy." So rings today’s Psalm, calling » Continue Reading.
Thanksgiving Day (USA) Scripture: Revelation 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9 Psalm 100:1-5 Luke 21:20-28 Reflection: During the first winter in New England, the English Calvinist settlers of Massachusetts lost half their community » Continue Reading.