Passionist Feast of Mary, Our Mother of Holy Hope Scripture: Hosea 14:2-10 Matthew 10:16-23 Reflection: The feast of Mary, Our Mother of Holy Hope, is celebrated in the Passionist Congregation, » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Hosea 11:1-4, 8c-9 Matthew 10:7-15 Reflection: St. Paul of the Cross realized the necessity of benefactors in order to fulfill our mission. He spoke of our benefactors in the » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Matthew 10:1-7 Reflection: The Eternal All-Holy God created humankind in holiness, but the first man chose to be independent of God. Evil multiplied with murder wholesale » Continue Reading.
Feast of St. Maria Goretti Scripture: Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 Matthew 9:32-38 Reflection: Hosea is in a different mood today than yesterday. On Monday Hosea was encouraging the people by describing how loving » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Hosea 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22 Matthew 9:18-26 Reflection: Perhaps you’ve noticed that the Gospels are written quite sequentially. Jesus deals with one task at a time, works through it, brings closure, and » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 66:10-14c Galatians 6:14-18 Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 Reflection: Discipleship Today Last Sunday’s Gospel sets the tone for today’s liturgy: Jesus wants His followers – you and I – to » Continue Reading.
Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle Scripture: Ephesians 2:19-22 John 20:24-29 Reflection: "You are no longer strangers and sojourners…" the opening lines of St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, the proper » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Amos 7:10-17 Matthew 9:1-8 Reflection: I don’t usually turn on the TV in the morning, but today I wanted to check the weather. A cable station came up first. The » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Amos 5:14-15, 21-24 Matthew 8:28-34 Reflection: In the Broadway Play, My Fair Lady, we have these words from Eliza Doolittle to Freddie, "Sing me » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Amos 2:6-10, 13-16 Matthew 8:18-22 Reflection: Today’s Gospel offers us a challenge. Sandwiched between stories of Jesus’ miracles, the Gospel calls us to total commitment. It is almost as » Continue Reading.