Scripture: Isaiah 1:10, 16-20 Psalm: 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 Matthew 23:1-12 Reflection: Today’s readings make me think of how often, and how easily, we make excuses for our "adjusting" » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Daniel 9:4b-10 Luke 6:36-38 Reflection: Jesus himself gives us our Lenten reflection today. Let each of us ponder His words, look at our lives and relationships and seek the » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18 Philippians 3:17-4:1 or 3:20-4:1 Luke 9:28b-36 Reflection: At the baptism of Jesus, God speaks from a cloud to Jesus, telling him "You are my beloved Son; » Continue Reading.
Feast of Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, CP Scripture: Deuteronomy 26:16-19 Matthew 5:43-48 Reflection: We all have certain days that stand out in our memory-joys, tragedies, turning points in » Continue Reading.
Scripture: John 3:1-10 Luke 11:29-32 Reflection: The prospect of a "miracle" catches the attention of most any human being. Perhaps a physical healing, a financial turn-around, the avoidance of a » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Esther 18:21-28 Psalm 130: 1-8 Matthew 7:7-12 Reflection: Today’s scriptures affirms for us that prayer is a dynamic relationship between God and ourselves. In the Book of Esther she risks » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 55:10-11 Matthew 6:1-15 Reflection: In our Gospel reading from Matthew, Jesus teaches His disciples about prayer. The lesson culminates in what we call the "Lord’s Prayer," or the » Continue Reading.
First Sunday of Lent Scripture: Deuteronomy 26.4-10 Romans 10.8-13 Luke 4.1-13 Reflection: In a movie going back several decades, Pat O’Brien plays the role of a dock-workers priest on the » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Isaiah 58:1-9a Matthew 9:14-15 Reflection: "Why do we fast, and you do not see it? Afflict ourselves, and you take no note of it?" Lo, on your fast day, » Continue Reading.
Thursday after Ash Wednesday Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Luke 9:22-25 Reflection: I presume that many of you are like me when I am saying goodbye to someone. " It’s been so » Continue Reading.