Scripture: Genesis 21:5, 8-20a Psalm 34: 7-8, 10-11; 12-13 Matthew 8:28-34 Reflection: Today’s feast and readings give us concrete examples of our Responsorial Psalm (Ps. 34) …that the "Lord hears » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Genesis 18:1-15 Matthew 8:5-17 Reflection: I was struck by the connection between the readings today. And, as much as I try to dodge it, the question raised continues to » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Genesis 19:15-29 Matthew 8:23-27 Reflection: In today’s gospel Jesus chides his apostles, "Oh you of little faith." If Jesus were to speak to us today, he would chide us, » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 12:1-11 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18 Matthew 16:13-19 Reflection: "Love without truth is powerless. Truth without love is just plain cruel." It goes without saying that Peter and Paul » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 Mark 5:21-43 Reflection: One of the beautiful aspects of the miracle stories is their vividness. Today, in Mark’s Gospel, we can » Continue Reading.
Feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist Scripture: Isaian 49:1-6 Acts 13:22-26 Luke 1:57-66, 80 Reflection: As I read today’s Gospel, it prompted me to read more about » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9 Matthew 7:1-5 Reflection: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged." Matthew 7:1 I wish I could stop judging, but so often it seems that I’m » Continue Reading.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:1-11 Matthew 6:7-15 Reflection: I know a group of people who would thank Jesus for the prayer that he taught the disciples: the » Continue Reading.
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Scripture: Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9 Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19 John 19:31-37 Reflection: "To know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, » Continue Reading.
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Scripture: Isaiah 61:9-11 Luke 2:41-51 Reflection: Today we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is certainly the companion to » Continue Reading.