Scripture: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 1 John 4"7-10 John 15:9-17 Reflection: The Trappist monk, Thomas Merton, tells us that on March 18, 1958, he was given a sudden insight as » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 15:22-31 John 15:12-17 Reflection: In the immediate context before our current gospel reading Jesus announces that he is the vine and we are the branches. (John 1-11) He » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 15:1-6 John 15:1-8 Reflection: Harold, of the Trappists in Vina, California told me that their yield last year was about four and a half tons per acre. I » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 14:19-28 John 14:27-31a Reflection: The early Christian community struggled to establish itself amidst many conflicts. Not only were there external threats, but the community was susceptible to internal » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 14:5-18 John 14:21-26 Reflection: A retreatant recently shared with me his aspiration. "I want to recapture the great feeling I once had of God’s love in my heart." » Continue Reading.
Mother’s Day Scripture: Acts 9:26-31 1 John 3:18-24 John 15:1-8 Reflection: I am fascinated by the theme of connection that runs through today’s readings. We are connected to Christ, the » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 13:26-33 John 14:1-6 Reflection: Easter is a season of 50 days. We need time to grasp and soak in the reality of the resurrection. During this season, we » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 13:44-52 John 14:7-14 Reflection: There comes a time in the life of almost every woman when she looks at her reflection in a mirror and sees not herself » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 13:13-25 John 13:16-20 Reflection: From this day until Pentecost, our gospels come from the Book of Glory, the discourses of the Lord that St. John locates after the » Continue Reading.
Scripture: Acts 12:24-13:5a John 12:44-50 Reflection: In the reading from Acts, we see the beginning of the first of three missionary journeys that Paul the Apostle will undertake. Paul (he » Continue Reading.