Scripture:Romans 7:18-25a Luke 12:54-59Reflection:Lord, it is not easy to accept that I don’t understand something. I mean, there are vast tracts of brilliant interpretations from timeless theologians who attempt to » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Romans 6:19-23Luke 12:49-53Reflection:Jesus says to his disciples in today’s gospel from Luke (12:49-53):“I have come to set the earth on fire,and how I wish it were already blazing!Do you think » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Romans 6:12-18Luke 12:39-48Reflection:Even though it is not explicitly mentioned, I see both of our readings for today looking at the implications of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Romans 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21Luke 12:35-38Reflection:Welcoming JesusA new word in our modern English is “woke”. It means a person is awake but with an extreme connotation to left wing philosophy. » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Romans 4:20-25Luke 12:13-21Reflection:When I was moving from Birmingham to Detroit, There was a cartoon in the newspaper that caught my attention. It was a depiction of an elderly man in » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Isaiah 45:1, 4-61 Thessalonians 1:1-5bMatthew 22:15-21Reflection:In our Gospel reading for Sunday (Matthew 22:15-21), the Pharisees, who have been trying to trap Jesus into saying something that would get Him into » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Romans 4:13, 16-18Luke 12; 8-12Reflection:He believed, hoping against hope… –Romans 4:18Have you ever had days where nothing was going in your favor. Things go from bad to worse. Maybe you » Continue Reading.
Feast of St. Paul of the CrossScripture:Jeremiah 1:4-9I Corinthians 1:17-25Matthew 9: 35-10:1Reflection:Today, we Passionists celebrate the feast of our Holy Founder, St. Paul of the Cross. I know that many » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Romans 3:21-30Luke 11:47-54Reflection:This is an age of boasting. Boasting is everywhere these days, but perhaps especially on social media where boasting knows no bounds. Athletes boast. So do celebrities and » Continue Reading.
Scripture:2 Timothy 4:10-17bLuke 10:1-9Reflection:“…The harvest is abundant…I am sending you…into whatever household you enter, first say, Peace…”I am not a big gardener, my parents did not have a flower or » Continue Reading.