Scripture:Sirach 27:30-28:7Romans 14:7-9Matthew 18:21-35Reflection:Today could well be called “Forgiveness Sunday.” The first reading from Sirach proclaims the scandalous contradiction between expecting forgiveness from God while selfishly withholding it from others: » Continue Reading.
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15-17Luke 6:43-49Reflection:Jesus often speaks in parables in the Gospel. He uses an image to describe what the kingdom of God is. Funny how the Scribes and Pharisees ask » Continue Reading.
Memorial of Our Lady of SorrowsScripture:1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14John 19:25-27 orLuke 2:33-35Reflection:On one occasion I was invited to preach in the beautiful Rosary Chapel in Lourdes. A very large group » Continue Reading.
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy CrossScripture:Numbers 21:4b-9Philippians 2:6-11John 3:13-17Reflection:Sometimes it’s hard to understand why the God of the Old Testament was so angry and punishing, while the Son » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Colossians 3:1-11Luke 6:20-26Reflection:In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we can be so focused on the demands immediately before us, that we easily lose sight of what is » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Colossians 2:6-15Luke 6:12-19Reflection:May the Holy Name of Mary be always in our hearts and on our lips.Once again in Luke’s gospel, Jesus departs in seclusion “to pray” upon a mountain. » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Colossians 1:24-2:3Luke 6:6-11Reflection:For many today, keeping the Sabbath seems like a quaint Jewish tradition. But for Jesus’ contemporaries, and even today, the Sabbath has been a powerful symbol of identity » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Ezekiel 33:7-9Romans 13:8-10Matthew 18:15-20Reflection:Repeatedly, Jesus emphasizes love as the basic necessity of discipleship. All else – every commandment, every activity, every community action – flows from love. Simple, right? Oh, » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Colossians 1:21-23Luke 6:1-5Reflection:Come Queen Sabbath, Come Lord JesusWhen the mistress of the house sees three stars together in the sky, the sign that the Sabbath is over, she recites the » Continue Reading.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin MaryScripture:Micah 5:1-4a or Romans 8:28-30Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23Reflection:In Saint Matthew’s gospel, the story of Jesus’ birth is told mostly through the eyes of Joseph. He is » Continue Reading.