Nicodemus and Me
Inspired by Nicodemus and his growing relationship with Jesus in John’s Gospel.
We come at night because
that is all we can do.
Dawn is always the promise.
We wait anxiously and with trepidation.
What does this mean?
What do I need to do?
How can I do it?
Do I want to change?
See, Lord, your servant
struggles at this threshold.
Is dawn arriving soon?
How long is this night of unknowing?
Enter the tomb where He lays..
Barely a toe gets through
the doorway and
every fiber, every atom
of my being is alive.
Feel the powerful dynamism.
Elements swirl all around me.
Hope, fulfillment, finished, begun…
Words beyond my language
settle all around me.
Intimate, searing, committed Love
draws me in even as I
want to flee.
Wash me clean of debris.
May there be nothing left of me but you.
Love has done this.
Dawn has arrived.
Jean Bowler is a retreatant at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre, and a member of the Office of Mission Effectiveness Board of Holy Cross Province.