Acts 3:1-10
Luke 24:13-35
The joy, power, and wonder of the Resurrection are in every sentence of our readings. Peter’s words to the cripple beggar "in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean, rise and walk!" carry the conviction that the power of the Risen Christ is available to heal crippled limbs. The surprise and joy of the beggar leaping up and then "walking and jumping and praising God" as he accompanied Peter and John into the temple is our own experience of the Alleluias of Easter.
Jesus met the two disciples on the road "and walked with them". We believe that as we journey Jesus will walk with us. The whole story of the Hebrew people from Abraham’s journey from Ur, the going down into Egypt and then the exodus out of Egypt and through the desert and into the promised land, the Exile and Return, all show the God journeys with his people. He overcomes the obstacles and invites his people to faith.
Finally the moment of revelation as Jesus "took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them". With that "their eyes were opened and they recognized him". So many meals with prostitutes and tax collectors, miraculous feedings of thousands, the Passover celebration in the Upper Room that becomes the first Eucharist, and now Jesus gives them himself sacra mentally and, no longer needing to be present, "he vanished from their sight". May we cherish the sacramental presence of Jesus as we go to the table to be nourished by the body and blood of Jesus.
Fr. Mike Hoolahan, C.P. is on the staff at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center, Sierra Madre, California.