The Fifteenth Station:
Jesus is Raised from the Dead
Mary Magdalene and the other women who left Jesus’ body in the tomb on Friday, thought that the Sabbath would never end. They gathered their oils, spices and perfumes with which they were going to anoint Jesus’ body. They made their way to the tomb, wondering if they could find someone who to help them roll back the huge stone that was blocking its entrance.
As they came upon the tomb, the women saw that the stone had been rolled away. Confused, they went inside but did not find Jesus’ body. They encounter two men dressed in white garments who told them that Jesus had been raised from the dead. The women were so startled that they did not know what to believe! They saw an empty tomb, a burial cloth laying on the floor and no sign of a body.
The two men dressed in white sent the women as messengers to tell the disciples that Jesus had been raised from the dead and that he would soon appear to them.
These women were the very first believers in the Resurrection of Jesus. Their sorrow which had turned into fear, suddenly become sheer joy! The Resurrected Jesus trusted them to be the first messengers of his Resurrection. Their faith in the Resurrection of Jesus was complete and absolute.
When Jesus the Christ finally appeared to the disciples, he appeared as the one who bore the marks of crucifixion. In fact, Jesus had to show them his hands and side to help them believe that he had risen from the dead. His wounds that were so visible and painful just three days ago were now scars which were completely healed.
The Signs of the Passion would always be visible on the Risen body of Jesus, the Christ.
We adore you O Christ and we bless you. By your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
Dear Jesus, we thank you for letting us accompany you on your Way of the Cross. May the joy of the Resurrection bring peace and reconciliation to all we meet in our lives. Amen.