Feast of St. Mark
“Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” ~Mark 16:15

What a wonderful charge. And as human beings, we have so many possibilities of how we might proclaim–literally be a herald of–the Good News that is Jesus Christ. Every day we have opportunities to speak and embody in our actions the coming into being of the Kingdom of God. Every day we are invited to move more deeply into being the unique part of the body of Christ that only we can be, that is so necessary to the whole. Every day we have new opportunities to shine the light that is God’s gift to us and, through us, to the whole world.
Truly, we have set before us, each moment, life and death (cf. Dt 30:15). What we choose matters not only for us but for all. Our every word and action ripples out, carrying with it either life or death. We see that so clearly in the words and actions of our leaders. And we are no different.
And if we need guidance, we have heard from Jesus’ own lips, that he himself has been anointed “to bring glad tidings to the poor…to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” (Lk 4:18,21). This is our work also, each of us and together, as heralds of the Gospel to every creature.
Who can you be glad tidings for today?
Lissa Romell is the Administrator at St. Vincent Strambi Community in Chicago, Illinois.