Acts 9:26-31
1 John 3:18-24
John 15:1-8
Happy Springtime! I hope wherever you hail from these days you are able to enjoy the colors and sounds and warmth that Mother Nature has blessed us with during this Eastertide. Our scriptures speak of the hope of resurrection and new life as well. The early Christian community welcomes a new disciple into the fold as Saul/Paul embraces the new life open to all believers in Jesus Christ! Initially, Paul was not welcomed with open arms by the other disciples. They were reluctant to believe that Saul, the persecutor had really undergone a conversion to become Paul, the believer who spoke out boldly in the name of Jesus. In a short time, Paul was able to show by words and example that he was truly committed to following Jesus. How willing are we to accept the ‘Sauls” in our lives who don’t measure up to our unrealistic expectations?
In the second reading from 1 John, we are reminded of the greatest commandment to Love one another just as Jesus loves us! How often do we pick and choose who is going to feel our love or wrath on any given day?!
Today we hear the familiar story of the Vine and branches as recounted in the Gospel of John. Jesus is the true vine; God is the vine grower and we are the branches. Jesus tells us what we must do to grow and prosper as his disciples in these words:
“Remain in me, as I remain in you.
Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own
Unless it remains on the vine,
So neither can you unless you remain in me.”
If you are a gardener, you know well that the season of springtime is a time of planting, nurturing, pruning, and weeding our plants, flowers, and vegetables so that we may enjoy a bountiful harvest in the coming months. The Easter season is also a time for us as disciples to allow ourselves to sit with the scriptures of the season, to acknowledge our failures and successes as members of the Body of Christ, to allow ourselves to be pruned and prodded and challenged in the areas of our faith life that are in danger of being consumed by the weeds of apathy, frustration, selfishness, etc.
I always find the scriptures of the Easter season, wherein the highs and lows of the early Christian community are recounted, as a time of renewed hope. Hope for myself and others in our community of faith here in 2024, who struggle to live out our call to bring the message that JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS ALIVE AND WELL and LIVING IN EACH OF US! May we take time today to enjoy the hope and promise this season offers us. Easter Peace!
Theresa Secord is a retired Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.