Deuteronomy 10:12-22
Matthew 17:22-27
Last year at this time, we celebrated 25 years of consecrated life of three Religious Indigenous Women: Sr. Fabiana Arcos , Sr. Micaela Lopez and Sr. Marialena Mendez, from the Congregation of Eucharistic Missionaries of the Infant Jesus and Our Lady of Fatima. During one of my conversations a few days ago with Sr. Fabiana, I asked what the best thing was of celebrating 25 years of religious life. Very bluntly she answered, "I am glad that at this point of my life I can still be amazed by God." Her ministry as a religious is helping her grow, and her spiritual life is still open to the Spirit. Her routines were filled with God’s iconoclastic presence. After 25 years of consecrated life there is still more.
The imagery described in Ezekiel of the Cherubim in God’s throne speaks of God’s awesomeness that brings awe to the destiny and history of the people of Israel. The payment of the Temple Tax by Jesus speaks of God’s greatness. God reaches beyond Israel into the great human family from which people of all tongues and all nations will witness and proclaim God’s Greatness.
It is my hope that Sr. Fabiana’s experience of seeing her life and relation to God and her ministry as still having more to offer may become a reality for all followers of Jesus. May we never cease to be amazed by God’s Greatness in our life, for indeed God is great!
Fr. Hugo Esparza-Perez, C.P. is a Passionist of Holy Cross Province now working in Mexico with the Province of Cristo Rey.