Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32
Matthew 19:13-15
Recently, my husband and I traveled to Ireland to attend a family wedding. While there we were joined by our son and his family. It was the first trip for our grandson who is two years old. And he seemed to take to the idea of farming and cows and tractors with glee. As I reflected on the readings for today, I was struck by those memories of how he walked purposefully over the field with a goal to see the cows. Something inside me resonated deeply as I watched him walk with his dad and grandfather and uncle over the fields of his heritage as if he felt at home. Paying attention to the movements of God in our life seems important. The first reading from the prophet Ezekiel simply suggests that. We are not responsible for the sins of our fathers, rather we walk purposefully towards our heritage. We are invited to be virtuous in life. Our Gospel offers a similar idea, let the children come to Jesus, it is he desires to have a relationship with them, with you and me.
In Sunday’s readings, the Gospel of Luke suggests, “Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father, is pleased to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)”
To me, the readings of today offer us an invitation to pause and reflect on how we can integrate Sacred Scripture into our lives.
Often, we are so busy that we hardly take time to pause and truly reflect on the readings; myself included. Can we imagine how we might approach life if we understood that we are not to be afraid and that our Father is pleased to share the kingdom? Is that what Jesus meant all those years ago as he went about proclaiming the Kingdom in Galilee and Jerusalem?
When I reflect on the scene with our grandson, I am reminded of the abundance of God’s presence in our lives. A God who moves in and through to get our attention.
What do you see the readings offering you today? What thought comes to you?
While I have no idea how our grandson understood this experience, safe to say, I trust him to the providence of the kingdom.
Dear Jesus, may we always trust in your love and guidance. May you be before us and beside us (Psalm 139:5).
So, when we look to the right or left, in confidence, we will hear the voice of God saying, “this is the way, walk this way. (Isaiah 30:21)” Amen.
Jean Bowler is a retreatant at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre, California, and a member of the Office of Mission Effectiveness Board of Holy Cross Province.