1 Corinthians 2:10b-16
Luke 4:31-37
I often wonder how we would react if Jesus was physically with us today and called out unclean spirits in front of us. Some have been fortunate to see his miracles in their lives. And we, if we allow it, we can see a vast amount of miracles in our everyday life. Today, more than ever, we need to trust in the power of Jesus throughout our day and in all circumstances.
Jesus spoke with great power and authority. Who truly speaks with Godly authority for us today? My pastor, for one, is an excellent example of a Godly man who understands the power of Christ in this world, and who understands the power of the evil one as well. Without these strong role models in our lives, we can find it very easy to allow our thoughts to be driven into dark places, away from the love and mercy of Christ.
We must ask Jesus for the grace to understand the multitude of parables and teachings that we read about today. Our bibles need to be dog-eared and worn from the constant, daily use of them in our homes. We must recognize that Jesus is our salvation, from his life, death and resurrection – his very Passion should drive us to a life of holiness and grace.
Divine Mercy prayers focus on the phrase, “Jesus, I trust in you”. We should, unwaveringly, keep him as our focus and our mainstay. God bless you all.
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.