Jeremiah 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22
Matthew 14:22-36, 15:1-2, 10-14
I carry what looks like a large coin and is really a token to remind me of how grateful I am for an organization I reluctantly joined and have continued to participate in these past twenty-nine years. I carry it with my change and sometimes when I go to pay for something, a clerk will notice it and ask what it is. This happened yesterday when I went to McDonald’s for what has become my daily indulgence (not religious) of a hot fudge sundae. I gladly shared with the clerk my twenty-nine year involvement and he in seeming awe of the length of time, responded: "Wow, I was only three then." I laughed and said I was thirty-eight when I first joined. This really seemed to surprise him and he said: "You don’t look that old."
The next morning, I got up as usual and after a little internal wrangling, I did my yoga exercises and meditation. That young man’s comment, "You don’t look that old." was the deciding argument in favor of doing my yoga and hopefully of my continuing to do it each day now for the rest of my life. LOL
In today’s scripture passage from Matthew, we read about Peter walking on water. I believe it was Jesus’ encouragement that allowed Peter to walk on water, just as it was the young man’s encouraging words to me that got me to resume my, miracle of miracles, yoga.
Back in the ‘70’s we used to sing a song that went:
"Easy come, Easy go; through summer and through snow,
Up and down, all around, this universe I’ll go.
I’ll walk upon your waters, move mountains from your path,
With a smile for my companion, I’ll teach you how to laugh."
Jesus encouraged Peter and those he loved to perform miracles. Help me Jesus to encourage everyone I meet today to be the walking miracles they truly are.
Dan O’Donnell is a Passionist Partner and a longtime friend of the Passionists. He lives in Chicago.