Isaiah 48:17-19
Matthew 11:16-19
I find it hard not to have questions and concerns in today’s uncertain world. Everything is made even more difficult with our fast paced lives. As Catholics, who isn’t confused on how to approach life and all it’s issues. Our recent election is just an example of how complex today’s issues are and how challenging it can be to know what is right.
Today’s readings though, give us some ideas. In the first reading we hear the "Lord will tell you what is good," and then we hear the Lord telling us "He will lead us on the way to go". The Psalms are just as clear, follow the Lord, and have the light of Life. The Bible is filled with the Lord telling us to follow Him, that He is the way, the Truth and the Life.
So why do we struggle so? Are we afraid to follow him? We shouldn’t be. Doesn’t He repeatedly remind us, "be not afraid"? Maybe the truth is, we want to lead, not follow. We think we have a better understanding of our lives and what we need. We don’t want to change our view points. We just need His help. That’s the way most of my prayers sound. Here is what I need Lord, please help make it happen. We are tempted to think we know what God wants and we end up not really sure what we want or where we are going. Like the children in the Gospel, not happy with or sure about anything we see. That’s not following the Lord. That’s not surrendering to Him. To follow Him we need to seek Him, to know more about Him, to trust Him.
This advent, this year of faith, Let’s truly seek Him in prayer, in the sacraments, in front of the blessed sacrament, in reading the Bible or other spiritual books. Let’s listen to Him more by slowing down, taking time out from the rush of life. Then can we begin to recognize Him, to see where He is leading us, and what He wants of us. Then we will begin to know the peace and joy that can only come from following Him, and then, maybe our descendants will be as numerous as the grains of sand on the shore of the sea, and we can yield fruit in due season.
Steve Walsh is a retreatant at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in Sierra Madre ,and a good friend of the Passionist Community.