
The Magnificat; Mary’s declaration of her love of God in response to an angel of the Lord.
Lord it sure would be a great help if every time You had something to tell me, You would send an angel with the message.
I’ve never been good at picking up hints. My wife will tell You I’m not even good at hearing “suggestions.” It’s usually when I get slapped upside the head with a disastrous result, from something I should have or should not have done or said, that I perceive the rock catapulted my way.
But that’s on me, Lord. I try to hear what people are saying to me and try even harder to understand what Jan is saying. But sometimes it seems married folks, like Jan and I, need a Rosetta Stone to decipher each other’s messages). But either lack of attention or one of the indignities of old age deny me comprehension of those communications.
It’s even harder to hear and understand what You might be trying to say to me. I think if I would stop complaining, requesting help or doing all the talking in my prayers, I might hear Your voice in the silence. It seems very timely to seek Silent Nights, and in doing so, like the shepherds who attended their flocks, we too may hear a voice leading us to You.
Merry Christmas to all my Passionist brothers and sisters. A healthy and Happy New Year to those you love.
Ray Alonzo is the father of three children, grandfather of two, and husband to Jan for 45 years. He is a USN Vietnam Veteran, and a 1969 graduate of Mother of Good Counsel Passionist Prep Seminary. Ray currently serves on the Passionist Alumni Council.