Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14
Colossians 3:12-21
Luke 2:22-40
The story of Simeon has always touched my heart, and I have shared it with others on many occasions. This holy man of God, this man of faith, knew that in his lifetime he would see Jesus face to face. I wonder if he ever thought that, not only would he see him, but he would hold him so very close to his heart as an infant! Can you imagine not only seeing the Christ child, but holding him in your arms, feeling his breath on your face, looking so deeply into his eyes. Simeon knew what Mary would experience with this precious child – from Christ’s birth to the many swords that would pierce her heart. And his faith and trust in God enabled him to stay faithful, knowing – trusting – that God would grant him his one prayer of seeing the Savior of the World. Once his prayer has been fulfilled, his prayer and blessing to God is the completion of his life – that he was ready to go in peace.
I pray that you have the faith of Simeon as, on this day, we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. May the favor of God be upon you in your journey through this Christmas season, and may you become strong and filled with the wisdom of a loving and merciful God.
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.