Advent through Christmas is such a busy time of year. We are in a hurry – shopping, baking, planning. We rush to get the perfect tree, to put up the lights, to plan the perfect meal, to make sure everything is perfect for those we love when we can finally gather together. We cling to the joy of this season; a season of our Lord’s birth and the hope that His birth brings to us.
But how often are we in a hurry for Jesus? The Gospel today says that Peter and John were in a hurry to find Jesus because the tomb was empty. We carry Jesus in our hearts, always! But we must stay vigilant, getting the distractions out of the way so we can finally hurry to the manger to await the coming of our newborn King!
Be in a hurry, be anxious, for Jesus’ coming – and when he comes, languish in his beautiful presence, and treasure your time with this perfect Prince of Peace.
God bless you all!
Patty Masson is the Director of Adult Formation and Evangelization at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Parish in Spring, Texas.