Children, it is the final hour. -1 John 2:18a
Those are the first words of our Scripture today. The Church, in her wisdom, offers us this stark reminder. Here we are, sitting on the last moments of 2021. Tomorrow is New Year’s Day. Aren’t we supposed to make some resolutions?
For me, I suppose I’d begin by reflecting a bit on these 365 days – the good and the bad – the moments I’ve savored, but also those moments I really just don’t want to taste anymore. The more I think, the more I’m reminded of all the insanity of these last months – murder, hate, disaster, and also the “Holiday Season” which is chock full of Black Friday fighting, and “I didn’t get what I want for Christmas,” and what seems like a sorrowful loathing and even anger at just anticipating family gatherings.
It really amazes and saddens me how cluttered our lives, as a society, have become with things like selfishness, consumerism, inconsiderate behavior, lack of understanding of other people, rejection, hate – the list goes on and on. And no matter who we are, we’re all guilty of these things from time to time. I try hard, but, friends, I can be forgetful of my calling and so often fail to live like the man God wants me to be. There’s so much cluttering our hearts that we are just overflowing. There’s no room for anything else.
Again, the Church, in her wisdom, reminds us also that Jesus wants to live with us… with-in us. In reading John’s words in today’s Gospel, “And the Word became flesh, and made his dwelling among us.” John 1:14 To me, it’s like a slap in the face. “Paul, do you have room?” Is there space in the inn of my heart? Is Jesus able to make his dwelling in me?
Thinking about that, I realize I sure have a lot of cleaning to do… So much so, that perhaps making some resolutions would be the prudent thing.
So, then, here are my resolutions:
- Lose Weight: I’m going to drop the weight of hurt and hate and live the lightness of Joy.
- Clean the House: I’m going to sweep the junk from my mind and soul and make room for love and peace.
- Stop Smoking: I’m going to stop burning myself up and allow time to rest and pray.
- Eat Healthier: I’m going to feed my spirit with the healthy words of life.
- Be A Better Person: I’m going to treat every person I meet like they are Jesus; with love and mercy.
How are you going to ready your house for God?
Dear God of new year’s, thank you for the gift of fresh beginnings. Grant us the grace of a broom with which we can sweep away all that keeps us from recognizing and welcoming you into our hearts and lives. And please, help us all never break our resolution to be closer to you. Amen.
Paul Puccinelli is Director of Liturgy & Music at St. Rita Parish in Sierra Madre, California, and a member of the retreat team at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center.