Genesis 1:1-19
Mark 6:53-56
Often homes with young children have a space or a room which is disordered, cluttered, difficult to safely walk through and strewn with objects of various shapes, sizes and materials. It is called the Toy Room, or in the case of my grandchildren, the Black Hole. What goes in may never be seen again. Periodically, the mother will feel compelled to bring order out of this chaos, to sort out the pieces, organize the games, reclothe the dolls, and establish some sense of purpose and potential wholeness to the randomly scattered components. When finished, the mom will look about, smile in satisfaction, give and contented sigh and say to herself, "This is very good".
In the beginning, according to Genesis, God took the formless wasteland and dark abyss and brought life giving order and potential to all that was. The disparate parts became whole and bursting full of the living breath of God. All forms of life were an inter-related completeness of divine creation and became plentiful and fruitful and reflected God’s loving glory. And God saw that this was good.
Jesus was thrust into the chaos of his time. People from all regions would rush to meet him bringing the sick and infirmed to be in his presence and to hopefully touch the tassel of his cloak. Jesus was known to have the power to bring wholeness to broken bodies and spirits and healing to the diseased and ailing. The creative Spirit of God worked through Jesus to bring order to those living in the chaos of all manner of broken lives. And Jesus knew that this was good.
Each of us through Baptism has been called to continue the creative life giving process of God. In family life, in ministry, in everyday interactions with others we have the opportunity to be experienced as one through whom the creative Spirit works to bring the love and acceptance and joy that the world needs so much today. And God knows that this will be very good.
Cathy Anthony is on the staff of St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center, Detroit, Michigan.