I have a different take on today’s Word. Please hear me out.
The Queen of the South is overwhelmed by the “wisdom” of King Solomon and how it is manifested in his life. She admits that she did not believe in him, “until I came and my own eyes had seen it. Not even half had been told me; your wisdom and prosperity far surpass the report that I had heard.” (I Kings 10:5)
Her testimony is a marvelous affirmation of the tremendous “presence“ which God enjoyed within Solomon, and, within us. At Gibeon, Solomon prayed, “…give your servant an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong.” Remember Solomon’s prayer We must admit to the inner battles that we have with the evil that can defile us. Jesus acknowledges today, “For it is what comes out of a person that defiles.” (Mk. 7:21)
However, can we tap into the “mystical” reality that lives within us? Granted that the mystical within us is a reality that is neither apparent to the senses nor obvious to our intelligence, but nevertheless exists and dwells within us into eternity. Eternity, can you imagine it? Imagine is a wonderful “additive” to our faith journey. In fact, every human capability that we possess gives us access to God’s grace and wisdom.
Amidst all the commentaries and memories expressed at the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and seven others, I heard no one ask the question, “Where is he now?” The fact that after 41 years on this planet, Kobe’s life will now be in the very presence of his Creator forever, would that not appear to be an important question?
This is a mystical question that needs to be asked and pondered. And there are two daily reminders of God’s presence within us and at our disposal. They are the human realities of time and space in our daily experiences that are filled with God’s presence. We have the dimensions of time and space always at our disposal if we deliberately value our making sacred use of them (time for meditation, prayer). A presence that takes us into our eternal life unfolding within our daily human experiences.
Trust God’s wisdom living within you and the faith to pass it on to others.
Fr. Alex Steinmiller, C.P., is a member of the Passionist Community in Detroit, Michigan.