Why do you conclude that it is because you have not bread? Do you not yet understand or comprehend?
Oh, when my kids were teenagers – how many times did I hear… we have nothing to eat in this house….all we have is bread….we still don’t have anything to eat… I’d go to the kitchen, open the cupboards and the fridge and lo and behold both were full! My repeated answer – no, we are not McDonalds drive-thru – there may be no ‘fast food’ but we have plenty of food in the house – every ingredient you can imagine, everything needed to prepare something that tastes wonderful and is healthy to boot! What would you like?
Those teenage disciples, at it again, oh, we forgot our bread, now we are going to starve…I can only imagine Jesus (opening the cupboards and fridge) come on really! You were just with me when we fed five thousand on five loaves and when I broke seven loaves for four thousand – what are you whining about? Don’t you get it?
Are you still looking for signs, for fast food? Are you not willing to open your eyes, your hearts and imagine for a minute what my kingdom is all about? (imagine what all these ingredients could make) – a nourishing meal, an engaging encounter, a depth of relationship.
What ingredients are we given to create a meal? How are we being asked to utilize our gifts to build the kingdom? How are we being invited to deepen our understanding and awareness of God in our little corner of the world?
Faith Offman is the Associate Director of Ministry at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center in Detroit, Michigan.