Two thoughts immediately spring to mind as I contemplate this gospel story as dramatic as it is in keeping with Mark’s style and approach.
The visit of Jesus to the territory of the Gerasenes forms the background to the good news sent to us today.
Firstly, this story allows us to reflect on the fact that Jesus ‘crosses over’ to hostile territory in order to bring good news. But it is the crossing over that holds my attention – for this is a kind of leitmotif, a recurring pattern in the life and mission of Jesus. He is always the one to ‘cross over’ to come to us, to enter spaces and places where we have found ourselves, lost or consumed by guilt or suffering. Jesus is the one who comes to us no matter where we find ourselves or the circumstances of our lives.
No matter how badly shaped our life has become – instanced here by the complete collapse of the demoniac’s life projects – his domestic life, his personal wellbeing, his housing crisis and his health are all in chaos. Yet Jesus comes to him.
The second reality the story allows us to focus on is his desire, once cured, to accompany Jesus. His healing has led him to a desire to now serve others and to follow Jesus who was good enough to come to him, and he know wants to come with Jesus.
Yet he is asked to remain, and to proclaim to his own people, the good news.
It’s a lesson for us, too, we often seek to do extraordinary things for God, yet our primary mission and primary witness is amongst those who see us each day and whom we know best and can community most easily with.
We will always have the Lord who comes to us – even in our dark places – and who in turn will only ask us to witness, that is, to “go home to our family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you.”
Fr. Denis Travers, C.P., is the Provincial Superior of Holy Spirit Province, Australia.