1 Kings 3:4-13
Mark 6:30-34
Today’s readings are rich with meaning and contain much for us to treasure. Certainly Solomon’s humble plea for a compassionate heart is one that we should regularly imitate in our prayers; and Jesus’ care for the hungry multitudes in the Gospel inspires us, as His disciples, to reach out, evangelizing and caring for those in need. But I am struck by the first line of the Gospel: "The Apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught."
Our lives are so busy, so filled with activities – some worthwhile and important, and others- not so much. Our prayer is often about asking or about getting away from it all: finding quiet time, escaping the hustle and bustle to bask in God’s love. And this is surely a good thing. Retreating from the world and materialism and the things that encumber our lives is necessary for our spiritual being and growth, and coming to God with our needs is always a beautiful prayer. But, we are, after all, called to be to be about Christ’s work in all that we do. I wonder if we made reporting all that we have done part of our daily prayer, if it wouldn’t help us to be better disciples. In the business world, regular reporting of activities is a wise operational function. Maybe it would also be a good idea for our spiritual life.
I wonder what the Apostles said when they gathered together with Jesus and shared what they had done. Did they perhaps talk about the supper they had eaten with a village family and how they told them of the Messiah or did they let him know about a crying child they tried to comfort or did they maybe relate how a ripped sandal had prevented them from travelling as far as they had planned.
What would you say if you reported to Jesus ALL that you have done this day? Maybe the very fact that we are reporting might help us make better decisions about what we do, about how we use our time and resources. As they say, "Couldn’t hurt."
Mary Lou Butler is a long-time friend and partner in ministry to the Passionists in California.