Angels and Us

So, Jesus became human… like, way “lower than the angels,” right? Makes you wonder, will we humans still be the low-ranking ones in heaven? Some angels are even called “saints,” like Michael and Gabriel. Are they like VIP saints in the “Communion of Saints” party? Let’s leave that one to the theologians.
But seriously, those angels are amazing role models. In our own lives, how good are we at being guardians of one another? Do we help others grow in wisdom so they can make good choices? How quick are we to lend a hand, especially when someone asks? Does our presence make others feel safe? How dedicated are we to protecting people from harm and bad influences? Are we smart and generous supporters? Just some things to ponder…
Jack Dermody is president of Share Our Gifts, Inc., a proactive group founded by Passionist Alumni, dedicated to serving the poor and suffering. He is also editor of CrossRoads, the newsletter for the Passionist Alumni Association. He lives in Glendale, Arizona.