Hebrews 4:12-16
Mark 2:13-17
The word of the God is our driving force. It is His spirit that dwells within us and says everyday "FOLLOW ME".
In today’s Gospel, we see Christ calling Levi. Levi left behind his life as a tax collector and followed Christ. We are called to do the same; to leave behind the worldly baggage that gets piled on us and do His will.
What is it that we need to leave behind?
This Gospel also reminds us that Jesus went to the peripheries to call His followers. To those who were shunned and on the outer rim of society. No matter the baggage that we carry, the Lord works great things through us. All we need to do is rise every day and follow Him. From there He will lead us in the ways He has planned for us.
According to Pope Francis, we are to go out to the peripheries and evangelize. How can we go to those who are shunned, homeless, friendless and alone, and bring God’s love?
And as we reach out, we are called to not only use our words but our actions. The first reading reminds us "the word of God is living and effective" Hebrews 4:16. It lives in our words and actions, gestures, smiles, charity…the list goes on. By taking time every day to do one small act, we convey God’s love to the world and our former selves melt away.
As we begin today and every day, let us remember God’s word and follow the example St. Anthony the Abbot – to leave our former selves behind and follow Christ.
Kim Valdez is a Pastoral Associate at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center in Houston, Texas.