Isaiah 62:1-5
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
John 2:1-11
You have kept the good wine until now.
These are the words the headwaiter speaks to the bridegroom in today’s Gospel. While they were addressed on that day in history to the man who had gotten married, we can also understand them as being addressed to Jesus, the Bridegroom. They are words of surprise and confusion but also words of delight. Jesus has a way of evoking these responses in all who truly encounter Him. We come to Him filled with our own understanding and expectations. We have ideas about what we want Him to do or what He should do, and often, He defies those preconceived notions. He does something new. He does something confusing, challenging even. Yet, in the end, He does something better than we expected.
As St. Paul enumerates so eloquently in his first letter to the Corinthians, there are many gifts the Lord wants to give us in this life, but He gives them how and to whom He wills. We should be prepared to be surprised and even challenged by their appearance, but we should always be delighted.
Ultimately, there is one gift that Jesus wants to give to every one of His people, and this might be the biggest surprise of them all. As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, He rejoices over us. God’s own joy… Is there any sweeter wine than that?
Megan Silas is a Lay Passionist at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center in Houston, Texas.