Saul then said to David: “You are in the right rather than I; you have treated me generously, while I have done you harm.” (I Samuel 24: 18)
In today’s first reading Saul is trying to kill David and is searching for David. David is hiding in a cave. David is tempted to seek revenge on Saul but does not. This reading is about forgiveness and reconciliation. David’s restraint from violence is the beginning of peace and reconciliation between the two. Saul is moved with gratitude and asks for forgiveness from David. To what degree do we harbor grudges and plot revenge? To what degree are we instruments of reconciliation, forgiveness, and peace?
The gospel reading is about Jesus appointing the twelve apostles. Like the apostles, we are called and appointed to preach the gospel of love, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace through our words and actions. We are called to lead one another to a deeper relationship with God and others. We are the hands and feet of Christ in the world today. What actions of love, peace and forgiveness will I give today? (Deborah A. Meister, Living Faith, January 21, 2022)
Carl Middleton is a theologian/ethicist and a member of the Passionist Family.