I love this reading from Hebrews, “We earnestly desire each of you to demonstrate the same eagerness for the fulfillment of hope until the end, so that you may not become sluggish, but imitators of those who, through faith and patience, are inheriting the promises.” (Hebrews 6:10)
Isn’t this the joy of sharing in our lives with others around you! Last week was the 4-year anniversary of the death of my deacon husband, Mike. In the last 4 years I have come to realize, that for those I love, the most important thing that I can pray for, wish for, hope for is that they have the same ‘eagerness for the fulfillment of hope until the end.” that my husband had.
I love reading about the saints, one of my current favorites is Blessed Isidore De Loor (of Saint Joseph). He was a Passionist blessed from the late 1800’s. Isidore was known as the ‘good brother…the brother of the will of God” ( I have been connected with him since I randomly ran into a statue of him at an antique store outside of San Antonio, Texas. A surprise to say the least! Blessed Isidore has been teaching me about this, “eagerness for the fulfillment of hope until the end” that Saint Paul is talking about in this letter to the Hebrews. Blessed Isidore was in terrible pain at the end of his life and found that suffering to be an opportunity to become more conformed to Jesus Crucified. This is not someone who was sluggish in his faith.
As we go about our day, let us remember this challenge, to be eager, not sluggish and through faith and patience, have an eagerness for hope in Christ!!
Kate Mims is the Retreat Center Director at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center in Houston, Texas.