Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19
Mark 4:35-41
What are you afraid of?
Scientists say that all animals, including human beings, are hardwired with a "fight or flight principle."
That is when we are confronted by some threatening entity, real or imagined, when we are afraid, our natural reaction is to flee or to fight. This "fight or flight principle", this gift of being afraid, is the principle that determines the survival of species as well as individuals!
Today’s Gospel finds Jesus and his disciples on a boat. A tremendous storm comes up and the boat is filling with water. The disciples are in a panic. They have lost control. Whatever they are trying to do to keep the boat afloat does not seem to be working. Faced with the threatening power of nature, all they can think about is how to flee from the situation. All the while, Jesus, their master, remains asleep on a cushion in the back of the boat. They cry to Jesus. He wakes up. He says to the sea: "Quiet! Be still!"
The wind stops; the sea calms. And Jesus asks that pivotal question: "Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?"
What are you afraid of?
While I agree with science that all human beings as members of the animal kingdom are endowed with a "flight or flight principle," I think we as disciples of Jesus must remember the old adage of "grace overcoming nature." "Flight or fight" are not the only two choices we as believers have. There is third choice and that choice is Trust. Scholars say that there are two lessons that Mark wants to teach in sharing this story about Jesus. One is to show that this Jesus was not just a magician who could entertain the crowds with amazing party tricks, but rather that this Jesus is truly Lord of All Creation and Master of Nature. He is truly the off-spring of the Creator God of the Book of Genesis. Secondly, he is the perfect faith-filled human being. He does rage against the storm he cannot control. He does not cowl in fear against the elements unleashed. Rather like a child in the arms of her mother, he trusts in his Father who has only the best in mind for him. He shows his disciples how to live by grace.
What are you afraid of?
Often times as people who have chosen to follow Jesus, we are faced with situations and events in our life in which our natural reaction is to run in fear or fight in fury. Perhaps today you find yourself in such a situation. If so, take a moment, take a deep breath, step back and listen to the words of our Lord to you: "Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?"
What are you afraid of?
Just trust.
Patrick Quinn ([email protected]) is the director of Planned Giving at the Passionist Development Office in Chicago.