“Remember the days past when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a great contest of suffering.” Hebrews 10:32
The readings for today are a great reminder for us that it is important to cultivate our faith. That faith is what helps us through the good times and the times we are now experiencing. Even during these days of living in a pandemic it is important to continue to take time to read and reflect on the scriptures, listen to music that inspires us or helps us to meditate. A good spiritual book is helpful as well. Feeding the soul couldn’t be more important during these months of the pandemic.
The second part of the Gospel speaks of the Kingdom of God starting as the size of a mustard seed, which is very small and yet grows into a large plant. Even during the pandemic, the Kingdom of God continues to grow through our struggle. Through our willingness to help those around us. In the midst of winter, the Church reminds us that growth happens at all times. Even in the grip of a pandemic we can grow as Church and as a person.
May these be days of hope and growth for you and your loved ones. May we all pray for one another and for those who are struggling in any way.
Linda Schork is a theology teacher at Saint Xavier High School in Louisville, Kentucky.