1 John 2:29-3:6
John 1:29-34
The Church honors the Holy Name of Jesus today. A name so powerful, and yet, taken so much for granted. In fact, there is something "foreign" about actually following and imitating Jesus the Christ. Why is it so awkward to talk about Him with others, or to tell of the ways we strive to follow him? Is it not recognized as culturally correct? Culturally correct means that society, "the world", knows and approves. Is that why St. John comments, "The reason the world does not recognize us is that it did not know Him"? Is there a way of knowing and seeing Jesus, despite the fact that we ourselves are not given the recognition? John the Baptist must have known the Way; he did not care that he wasn’t recognized when he pointed to Jesus as the One who would come after him as the greater one. "After me comes a man who ranks ahead of me because he was before me." John’s whole ministry was dedicated to preparing for someone else. Can I strive for that same attitude that lets go of what I want, and see my best plans turned around by others so to fit the group’s plans or desires? This selflessness imparts that perception of God beyond words, which gives us a sense of God’s presence which is the closest thing on earth to seeing God "as He is." May the Name of Jesus always remind us that we form one family with Jesus, and we share that privilege with all God’s children.
Fr. Alex Steinmiller, C.P. is president of Holy Family Cristo Rey High School, Birmingham, Alabama.