Hebrews 10:11-18
Mark 4:1-20
Some years ago there was a movie called Pay It Forward. The message was: When someone does you a good deed, don’t pay them back. Pay it forward. Do two good deeds to someone else, who hopefully will then do two good deeds to someone else, who will then do two good deeds… Paying it forward multiplies and multiplies until everyone benefits.
In today’s gospel we have the sower sowing seed. We who have received the seed should not just thank the sower, Jesus.
We should "sow it forward." We should sow the seed of good news to two (or more) others, who hopefully will sow the seed to others and on and on. In time the whole world will hear the Word of God!
A smart sower prepares the ground before he plants the seed. That is why missionaries will first set up hospitals, schools, food lines, etc., before they preach the gospel. If people feel loved, cared for, respected and treasured by another human being, they will be well prepared to receive the Word of God.
The sower in our gospel didn’t just sow one seed or a handful of seeds. He sowed lavishly, throwing seeds everywhere. We are called upon to not love just one person or a few persons, but to lavish our love unconditionally upon all. If we hold all people in our hearts, we proclaim in word and deed that the God we serve is the God of love.
Fr. Alan Phillip, C.P. is a member of the Passionist Community at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center, Sierra Madre, California.