Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19
Mark 4:35-41
Brothers and sisters: Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1-2
Where in your life have you seen this played out?
For the most part I am a person of hope, but sometimes discouragement does drop those seeds of doubt and frustration!
A few years ago, my friends and I experienced an incredible journey. We came back feeling fortified in body, mind and spirit! One cannot be immersed in the faith, hope and love of a half million people and not come away re-energized to continue the journey. The weather may have been dismal, but there could not have been a more sunny experience of hope and optimism. A friend posted this remark on his FB page, “I will treasure the 800 new friends I have met today!”
Jesus was frustrated with the apparent lack of faith exhibited by the apostles as they gave into their fears and lost control in a situation that called for belief rather than doubt. In retrospect, we all fail to place our belief and trust in our God who promises us ongoing care and love.
As people of faith, may we continue to nurture this gift of faith that will see us through the good times as well as those challenging periods that cause us to doubt and question.
Theresa Secord recently retired as a Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.