Happy Friday of the Third Week of in Ordinary Time!
I won the lottery! It’s a miracle!
No, I didn’t.
While, from time to time, I have won a few dollars on scratchers, I’m still waiting to land “The Big One.” But I’ll tell you what — if I would win several hundred million dollars, I’d consider it a pretty incredible miracle!
It’s probably common for us all, whenever we think of a “miracle,” that we envision it as something instant; something which happens suddenly, with flashes of light or explosions. Like winning a large jackpot, a dream miracle like that would be something which would change our lives immediately.
But there’s another kind — a “slow-motion miracle.” It may not be a one-off, celestial event that is happening right before our eyes. Instead, it might be more the kind in which the miraculous change happens over a period of time. It’s no less marvelous and extraordinary… it just takes longer for us to recognize it.
And no matter which kind, God’s hand is in it.
In today’s Gospel (Mark 4:26-34), Jesus is teaching in parables, explaining what the Kingdom of God is like. He compares it to a farmer who sows seeds. The miracle is that, night and day, the process of growth begins and continues. No matter if the farmer is awake or asleep, the seed still sprouts and grows.
He goes on to say, “It is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds on the earth, which springs up and becomes the largest of plants.” And that is something, to me, that is certainly miraculous.
Most of life’s biggest miracles come with patience. Something may happen or someone may say a word or two which “plant a seed” in our minds and hearts, our spirit and soul. Seeds may sprout anywhere in our field, and the kingdom can find its way into our lives that may be surprising.
The biggest surprise, though, is that you and I are also those same sowers of seeds. Even the simple things you or I might say or do can have an enormous influence on others. A passing smile might seem insignificant, but to someone who is hurting, you are the bringer of joy. Imagine if, instead, you had frowned. “Have you ever considered a life in Ministry?” might be the tiny mustard seed, ready to grow into a new Vowed Religious, Priest, or Lay Minister.
God’s seeds of care, compassion, peace, hope, and love are all readily available and primed for planting. He plants them in us, and we are called to then plant them in others. The miracle may not happen in the blink of an eye, but the incredible Garden of the Lord is continually growing, blooming with fragrant flowers and bountiful fruit.
even though it can take time for me to recognize,
I know your Kingdom is growing,
right now,
in all our hearts and in all our lives.
Please, help us share your seeds of love,
so we can all sprout and grow
into your miraculous works of art. Amen.
Peace and love to you today, and forever.
Paul Puccinelli is Director of Liturgy & Music at St. Rita Parish in Sierra Madre, California, and a member of the retreat team at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center.